Satisfaction Survey – CyberSecurity ROSSI

    What is your general assessment of this experience?
    Please use one adjective to describe it.
    Please assess the training course by attributing a score from 1 to 5 to each of the following parameters (1 = "very poor", 5 = "very good"):
    Please assess the teacher by attributing a score from 1 to 5 to each of the following parameters (1 = "very poor", 5 = "very good"):
    Please use three adjectives to describe the teacher.
    Do you think this training will have an impact on your work? Please assess the improvements which you expect by attributing a score from 1 to 5 to each of the following parameters (1 = "no improvement", 5 = "very meaningful improvement"):
    Are there any other topics you would like to learn more about?
    Which topics, among those which were addressed in the training, should be covered more extensively?
    Which topics, among those which were addressed in the training, should be covered less extensively or removed?
    Did the course meet your initial expectations?
    I read and understood the Privacy Policy and I...
    ... the processing of my data for the marketing purpose described in paragraph 3.b of the Privacy Policy;
    ... the processing of my data for the profiling purpose described in paragraph 3.c of the Privacy Policy.